The Seventh Commandment – Part 1
How much plainer can God get? Adultery pollutes and has destroyed many a family—Wasn’t family life to be guarded against such corruption?
How much plainer can God get? Adultery pollutes and has destroyed many a family—Wasn’t family life to be guarded against such corruption?
Look at God’s laws or Ten Commandments—The sixth commandment is very clear—Thou shalt not murder—Murder is murder that includes allowing the murder of full-term children.
God placed the Ten Commandments for a particular reason and these Mosaic laws spoken by God that Christ viewed in verse 13 were not be nullified or voided. It is just that simple if you wish to follow God’s laws so that your days will be long.
God knew well in advance that as our earth became more populated that each of us need a day for rest from laboring for our bodies and our mind. God did not stop there as he said that animals need their rest from laboring six days and that our lands that we cultivate need rest both on the seventh day and seventh year.
One of the first things that I learned, when reading Genesis is that God is the God of order and he does all things with a purpose, with order and to Glorify him. Why? He is our creator, so we should glorify him for everything that he has done for you and me.
When one thinks about taking God’s name in vain, what is the first thought? Probably swearing would be the first thought that would come to mind, but let’s look at this a bit more thoroughly.
Folks, this is a commandment—God is not asking us to abide, follow or observe.
Whether mammon is wealth, pride of power, pride of glory or pleasures of life, this all boils down to one thing—It’s all about me! There is no “I” in team and there is no “God” in mammon.
do you ever think that we are stewards of the land? God says in Genesis that we have dominion over all animals and that we are to allow the land to rest on the seventh year. So, you ask, how can we eat if we allow the land to rest? If you have faith in God and honor his laws, statutes and judgments and do what he says, then he will provide for you and your family.
We have finished the Christmas festivities and have begun the new year, so I hope each of you took…
I think you will agree that if we were under God’s laws and not those of man that our world would be ideal. God has addressed every issue in his laws with a solution that makes sense and could and should be used by all. I have been studying numerous books on his laws with the KJV Bible being the center for knowledge and understanding for many years and wish to share my thoughts and welcome your thoughts…
Understanding God’s Laws