The Seventh Commandment - Part 1

The Seventh Commandment – Part 1

Good Day to each of you reading this lesson the seventh commandment. Do you remember the seventh commandment? Don’t peek—What is it? Here’s a hint—If you are married, then don’t even think about breaking this commandment. Have you guessed yet? Exodus 20: 14 (FF) You shall not commit adultery.

Before we begin the lesson, ponder on this: Can you explain the difference between ‘complete’ and ‘finished’ in an easy way to understand?

Some folks say there is no difference between complete and finished but there is:

When you marry the right one, you are COMPLETE….

And when you marry the wrong one, you are FINISHED….

And when the right one catches you with the wrong one, you are…. COMPLETELY FINISHED!!!!

Here are a few other points to ponder:

Changes are a blowing in our world, so hold on to your seats and watch the following disappear in the not so distant future:

The Post Office—Email, Fed Ex, UPS, DHL are wiping the financial strapped Post Office out. By the way, most of the mail daily is junk mail or bills.

The Check—Countries around the world are doing away with the paper check and those debit or credit cards have taken the place. Cursive writing is not being taught in the public schools and our younger generations are just using the plastic card. This plays into the death of the post office for those who pay bills by mail instead of on the computer.

The Newspaper— Does the younger generation read the paper? No, they don’t subscribe to the daily delivered edition—Just like the mailman, laundryman, or potato chip man, this delivery is dying a slow death.  Internet has taken the place for all to sign in and read—with or without coffee and on your computer.

The Book— Remember turning the pages before you went to bed or sat before the fire on a cold night—Now you have the luxury of going to the bookstore in your jammies at night in your bedroom, checking out a chapter, and downloading the book from the internet. No bookstores, no going out, no inconvenience and books with incredibly low prices! Now, as you read your book, you are holding a gadget instead of a book.

The Land Line Telephone—What is that? Operators? Sarah of the Andy Griffith show has retired, and they no longer have a telephone operator. No land lines, but plenty of cell phones with data, lots of data if you have teenagers. Just remember, with cell phones, be smart about driving or texting when driving—they don’t mix! Sharpen your skills on texting—we can eliminate talking and becoming better mimes.

Music—The music industry is dying a slow death—Illegal downloads, pirating a concert, the lack of innovative music, greed and corruption in the music industry have all added to formula of the slow death of the music industry. There are documentaries on this subject that go in depth on this fascinating and disturbing topic.

The “Things” That You Own—Many of the possessions that we use to won are still in our lives, but we may not actually own them in the future. They may simply reside in “the cloud”. When you turn on the computer, the Internet will be built into the operating system. So Windows, Google, and MAC OS will be tied to the internet. If you click an icon, it will open something in the Internet cloud. If you save something, it will be saved to the cloud.  And you pay a fee to the cloud provider.

Privacy—Gone! Cameras in most buildings and streets as well as built into your computer and cell phone. Now, “they” know who and where you are 24/7 including your GPS coordinates & Google Street View. Don’t get me started on our buying habits, ads sent via e-mail and surveys to fill out to reflect our buying habits.

At least, with all these changes, they can’t change our memories—Yippee!

Now, on to our lesson—ADULTERY! The Wycliffe Bible Commentary says the following (Exodus 20:14) While this is directed specifically to maintain the purity and sanctity of marriage, it is also applied by Jesus to all sexual immorality of thought as well as deed (Mt. 5:27-28).

The word “Adultery” is used 40 times in the Bible—17 times in the Old Testament and 23 times in the New Testament and according The New Strong’s Expanded Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible. If one looks at the word Adulterer, it is used 3 times, Adulterers is used 9 times or three times as much, Adulteress is used 5 times, Adulteresses is used 3 times, Adulteries is used 5 times and Adulterous is used 4 times. If you add the amount—this is 69 times total.

So let’s go back to the word Adultery and the number 40 in relation to the times used in the Bible—I turned to Evangelist Ed F. Vallowe—Bible Mathematics— Keys to Scripture Numerics—This number has long been universally recognized as an important number, both on the account of the frequency of its occurrence, and the uniformity of its association with a period of TRIAL, PROBATION, and TESTINGS. This is certainly the case of David and Bathsheba (2 Samuel 11 & 12 and 1 Kings 1, 2). Please take time to read these chapters so you can see how God uses numbers and meanings to those numbers.

How much plainer can God get? Adultery pollutes and has destroyed many a family—Wasn’t family life to be guarded against such corruption? As you read this lesson, I am sure that Adultery has affected your family and you see the pollution that it has created for one’s self.

 Whether you live in the USA, or in another country, have you not seen the laws and actions of decency and morality decline in your nation? The Bible is crystal clear in its instruction regarding proper relationships between sexes, for ignorance or self of such matters is not treated as a virtue. Again, look at David and Bathsheba – 2 Samuel 11: 27 (NIV) After the time of mourning was over, David had her (Bathsheba) brought to his house, and she became his wife and bore him a son. But the thing David had done displeased the Lord.

God sent Nathan, a prophet, to confront sin, even the sin of King David. Turn to 2 Samuel 12 and read verses 1-23 – these verses are so important showing how God deals with a person committing sin. Severe judgements, such as shown to King David, are pronounced to those who fail to keep these laws. God did not single out one of the commandments for the sake of the other nine to be broken-As Christians, we are to abide, keep and have each commandment written upon our hearts—that is, if we love him! So why hurt someone you love?

Let us give thanks and praises to God each day—Thank him for giving each of us eternal life—The best gift ever!

May God Bless you and keep you safe!


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