Left Or Right

Left Or Right

Good day to each of you reading this column as the American people have one of two choices in about 60 days.

As I begin, let me ask you why we need early balloting? Is this a fad? Do you remember not so long ago that we had one day to vote and that was it.

Why change now? I was always taught that if isn’t broken, then don’t try to fix it, but then we are talking about man and his tinkering.

Don’t tell me that it’s a matter of convenience, but merely a matter of time and to prioritize what you think and what you can do in a day.

I don’t remember any issues when voting which includes voter tampering, missing ballots or ballot thrown in the trash can. There was no stealing of elections or candidates pointing fingers at state representatives.

I recently read an article that said we need to prepare for a civil war if President Trump loses the election. Is this what we have come to? As a Christian, we are told in the scriptures to pray for our leaders and to accept and without violence who are our next leader would be in office.

When reading the scriptures, we are told that it is God who chooses to put over us. If we go back to Saul, we read that the Israelite people clamored for a king and that is what God gave them, a king. Now God did not say what type of king they would receive, but God gave them a king. Are not the American people following the same path? Do we want a king and a government who dictates our everyday life? Do we want the government to take care of us or do we want less government?

Left or right—America, you have a choice and we are entering the crossroads of either more or less government. Do you listen to what each candidate says and have checked what each candidate did in their four years in office?

Take a moment to look at your individual situation—why is it that so many immigrants wish to come to America? Why did your family’s immigrants wish to come to America? Do you ever thank God for being born and raised in America? Why is their so many Christian sects, Christian named towns, and Christian monuments.

2024 will go down in American history with those choosing a presidential that is from the right and the other candidate that is from the left.

Can you tell me where VP Harris stands on the following question?

Will VP open up fracking and Canada to USA gas pipeline?

Will VP Harris frack when elected in office?

Where does VP Harris stand on closing the borders to illegal and criminal immigrants? What is the plan for VP Harris to stop these immigrants? What is VP Harris plan for deporting known illegal criminals in the USA?

What is VP Harris plan for paying down the US debt? What is VP Harris plan for stopping higher prices on food, gas and energy?

Will VP Harris continue with the Trump tax cuts that will expire in 2025 or will she implement her own tax initiatives which include a possible rise in capital gains, corporate tax, luxury tax, business tax.

Would VP Harris continue with the tariffs on Chinese goods or would she alleviate the tariff?

Would VP Harris ask NATO to pay their fair share for protection or would she continue with President Biden on not asking?

Would VP Harris take a stand for Israel or for the Pale

Stineans and Hamas?

Will VP Harris be pro-choice or Roe vs Wade?

Will VP Harris want to revamp the Supreme Court?

The debate between both candidates will happen before this column is finished, but it is up to you to listen an be informed as to what the two candidates are saying.

I have those who say they would not vote for President Trump because they find his personality repulsive and that he is very abrasive and degrading.

Yet, this same group wants a strong leader for national and world- wide politics against other world leaders. The question is simple, were safer with President Trump or with the Biden-Harris administration and do you think VP Harris can carry forward strength thru peace.

Folks, we are teetering on World War 3 with the Ukraine-Russia war, the Israel-Palestine-Iran-Hamas war, the potential conflict between China and Taiwan and South Korea and or Japan.

This is a reality that faces our nation each today along with having hundreds if not thousands of illegal immigrants who have crossed the border who are terrorists, rapists, heinous crimes and insane asylum persons.

The FBI has said they don’t know how many terrorist cells are in the USA. In addition, we have gangs from other countries infiltrating cities to rape, steal and destroy people’s property.

God has said in Deuteronomy 28 that He would make the cities a desolation. What a terrible word, desolation and ruin of a city, potentially where you live.

Fellow Christian, we have been warned and yet our necks are so stiff that we do not adhere to God’s warnings. We go about and accept as these are the ways of the world.

Do I think President Trump is perfect? No, but I think he is the best choice versus VP Harris who is a social democrat or plainly put, a socialist along with a running mate who is also a socialist.

Now, I ask you to look at President Trump’s policies back in 2016 and you must agree that we were better off with him in office than the present administration. One looks no further that the economic picture that we face on a day to day basis. Inflation was low, gas prices low, energy costs low, interest rate low, and taxes were cut for the middle class as the tariffs paid for much of that income.

Our NATO allies had to pay their fair share for protection and there was no war in Ukraine nor Iran. Under the Biden-Harris administration, we withdrew from Afghanistan while losing 13 troops and millions upon millions of US warfare.

Where is the accountability for those 13 US Troops and the millions of dollars left behind in Afghanistan? What has become of the US warfare and where is it today? IS this same warfare being used against US bases today?

Should we not hold our leaders accountable for their actions? We are held accountable for our actions, for paying our taxes and for working hard just to make ends meet.

Why shouldn’t this be the norm for our leaders and when they fail, shouldn’t there be accountability and reform from our leaders.

Before I close, I have this question in mind—if you were the president how would you pay down the national debt of 37+ trillion dollars? How would you balance the budget? How would you turn the USA from a debtor nation to a nation that has no debt?

As Christians, we are taught that debt is enslavement and that the debtor is the tail.  Once you are free from debt, don’t feel that giant yoke lifted from your body?

Folks, we pay our taxes, buy our necessities and pay the government nearly 60% of our income to the government. Now, where is the accountability?

I would like to pose this question to both candidates and have them provide an answer for the American public?

The answer is simple—We have forsaken God’s commandments, statutes, laws and judgments and if and when we were to adhere to the above, we would reap the blessings.

Is this a pipe dream, No, for Jesus is coming soon to establish his kingdom here on earth where we live. Have you wondered what it will be like?  

In the meantime, you have a choice—left or right—I am very afraid if VP Harris is elected, then we will see the 1929 depression come so quickly upon us where “Economic Babylon” will fall. The USA economy will crumble and fall, the stock market will crash and our leaders will turn upon each other while the masses cry out.

Please vote and make your voice heard.  

Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.

Please follow me on my podcasts that are broadcast on Apple Podcasts, Amazon Music, Deezer Podcast, Google Podcasts, I Heart Podcasts, Spotify Podcasts, Samsung Podcasts, Pandora Podcasts, Sticher Podcasts.

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