Theocracy, Democracy or Republic

Theocracy, Democracy or Republic – Part 1

Good day to each of you reading this column with an interesting take on the political climate in the USA.

Yes, I listened to the presidential state of the union address and wish to break down thoughts both biblically and politically.

But, before I begin, here are a few one liners to humor you–

The problem isn’t that obesity runs in your family. It’s that no one runs in your family.

What’s the difference between an outlaw and an in-law? Outlaws are wanted.

What do you call a bear with no teeth? A gummy bear.

A rich man is one who isn’t afraid to ask the clerk to show him something cheaper.

I heard the government was putting chips inside of people, I hope I get Doritos.

The trouble with getting to work on time is that it makes the day so long.

Interviewer to job applicant: “Can you come up with any reason you want this job other than your parents want you out of the house?”

I can still wear the same sizes socks I wore in high school.

“Going to church doesn’t make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.”

“Money talks. But all mine ever says is goodbye.”

“When tempted to fight fire with fire, always remember that the fire department usually uses water.”

I hope you enjoyed these one liners above and laughed at a few or maybe all of them.

Our lesson today begins with scripture from 1 Samuel 8:1-22 where Samuel, as judge and prophet of Israel, growing old, faces the following:

Samuel appoints his two sons as judges and they are both found to be corrupt, making money dishonestly, accepting bribes and perverting justice.

The elders of Israel gathered together to meet Samuel to take matters into their hands for they told Samuel that he was old and that his sons did evil and did not walk in Samuel’s ways.

The elders concluded that Samuel instead appoint a king to lead the people like all the other nations.

Here is a question, what is a theocracy? According to Wikipedia—

The word theocracy originates from the Greek: θεοκρατία (theocratia) meaning “the rule of God”. This, in turn, derives from θεός (theos), meaning “god”, and κρατέω (krateo), meaning “to rule”. 

As for Merriam-Webster: government of a state by immediate divine guidance or by officials who are regarded as divinely guided

The elders responded in verse 6 when they said, “Give us a king to lead us,” which displeased Samuel who, in turn, prayed to God.

Look at what God says to Samuel in verses 7-9And the Lord told him: “Listen to all that the people are saying to you; it is not you they have rejected, but they have rejected me as their king. As they have done from the day, I brought them up out of Egypt until this day, forsaking me and serving other gods, so they are doing to you. Now listen to them; but warn them solemnly and let them know what the king who will reign over them will claim as his rights.”

It is so interesting to read the Ferrar Fenton version which refers to the appointment of the king as a General to lead them in war and to organize.

The Ferrar Fenton version of verse 9 goes on to quote God: “Listen therefore to their voice. You shall also confer solemnly with them the Constitution for the leader who is to govern over them.”

The elders of Israel made the decision for all their people to end the present type of government which was a theocracy to a human king. Why? They wanted to be like the neighboring nations so they could run the nation through human strength.

Hmm, are you beginning to see any correlations between the Israelites of then and the United States people of today. Like the Israelites who rejected God as their leader, the path chosen was to place a human king or leader in place of God and run the nation through human strength.

Let us not forget that God gave the Israelites the commandments, laws and statutes to follow; fast forward to today in the USA, where we have thousands of human laws that we do not keep while discarding God’s laws for we want to run the nation through human strength.

Look at verse 18– When that day comes, you will cry out for relief from the king you have chosen, but the Lord will not answer you in that day.”

God told all the words to Samuel who told the people of all the negative consequences of having a king, but the Israelites refused to listen.

Verse 22– The Lord answered, “Listen to them and give them a king.”

Fortunately, George Washington, our first president and statesman said he wanted no part of being a king for he fought against the very country that was ruled by a king.

What does this have to do with the USA? Before I answer, here is my question—Is the USA a theocracy, republic or democracy in today’s world?

We have established the meaning of a theocracy, so let’s tackle the other two words—republic and democracy.

According to Merriam-Webster, a republic is a government having a chief of state who is not a monarch and who in modern times is usually a president.

Accordingly, a democracy is the government by the people. especially: rule of the majority. b.: a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections.

According to

Key Takeaways: Republic vs. Democracy

  • Republics and democracies both provide a political system in which citizens are represented by elected officials who are sworn to protect their interests.
  • In a pure democracy, laws are made directly by the voting majority leaving the rights of the minority largely unprotected.
  • In a republic, laws are made by representatives chosen by the people and must comply with a constitution that specifically protects the rights of the minority from the will of the majority.
  • The United States, while basically a republic, is best described as a “representative democracy.”  

In a republic, an official set of fundamental laws, like the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights, prohibits the government from limiting or taking away certain “inalienable” rights of the people, even if that government was freely chosen by a majority of the people. In a pure democracy, the voting majority has almost limitless power over the minority. 

My take is simple, both a republic and democracy are forms of human government and neither based on divine guidance. Ask yourself, if God was in charge of our country, would we not flourish economically? Would our crime rate be almost nothing? Wouldn’t other countries fear us as the “battle ax” for God?

In America, we have a choice—Joe Biden or Donald Trump and we have been given a vote to choose on that day. Keep in mind that the Bible says in Daniel 2:21– He changes times and seasons; he deposes kings and raises up others. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the discerning. 

As a double witness, turn to Hosea 8:4They set up kings without my consent; they choose princes without my approval.
With their silver and gold they make idols for themselves to their own destruction.

After reading the two above Bible verses, we can conclude that God is the final decision maker either raising up or deposing kings and man. Samuel, consented and asked for approval from God to set up their king or leader.

Romans 13:1 says Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.  

To me, this verse tells each of us of how we must submit to the government and; if we disobey, it would be to follow the higher loyalty to God. And, like the disciples, if we disobey or are compelled to disobey, then we must be prepared to accept the consequences.

We have laid the groundwork for my thoughts on President Biden’s speech on the State of the Union in 2024. I have a complete copy of the speech in front of me so I quote verbatim. I want to quote directly from President Biden and reference several things in the address that are very misleading or not true.

Stay tuned as I break down various parts of the speech.

Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.

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