Wealth or Wisdom

Wealth or Wisdom

Solomon, before the Lord, says that he is a little child and does not know how to carry out his duties. Solomon, being taught the ways of the Israelites, a great people asks for a discerning heart to govern the people and to distinguish between right and wrong.

Hard Work

Hard Work

You see, there were no handouts, no programs, no unemployment nor welfare for if you did not work, you did not eat. But people did eat for they wanted to work, no matter what type of job, and they believed in loving the Lord thy God with all thy soul and with all thy mind and to love thy neighbor.

Talk More Do Less

Talk More, Do Less

Many foolish people have said there is no God and have tested the USA by having rid of the Ten Commandments and Bible reading in the schools. These minorities have succeeded in taking away prayer to God in the public schools and have brought forth the idea that “God is dead” so live for today and enjoy the moment.



How will teachers be affected and what will be the role of the parents in teaching the child and helping with homework? Teachers, in the past, did not entertain your child while you were at work, they taught your child the basics or fundamentals to prepare them for the future.

The Ninth Commandment

The Ninth Commandment – Part 2

God is omniscient—when setting up the human justice system, he knew man would make false oaths and bear false witnessing or raise a false report against his neighbor, friend, or family member. Judges and juries were set in place to safeguard against false reports along with each witness examined separately to minimize collaboration and escape detection of falsified testimony.