A Christmas Story for 2021
Let us celebrate his birth and be ever thankful each moment for God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. John 3:17.
Let us celebrate his birth and be ever thankful each moment for God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. John 3:17.
Integrity of Character, grounded in Godly principles, producing that which is good in God’s eyes, praying without ceasing and adhering to God’s laws, ordinances, and statutes. Do we have ten men and women who have fallen on good land and produced?
Let us turn our attention to people known as the sheep or lost sheep of Israel and who are these people that the Bible speaks about—First, let me quote the following for you to ponder—Shocked by the Bible—Joe Kovacs—Chapter 26—Noah, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob were not Jews.
Fellow Christian, have you ever heard that small and quiet voice speak to you? When doing something wrong, have you heard that quiet voice let you know that it is wrong? Have you listened, truly listened? Have you awakened in the night to hear God’s voice?
Money was created to be debt free and interest free for God wants his people to prosper, enjoy life and to love thy neighbor as thyself. We were not placed on this earth “to keep up with the Jones” or to be envious of what our neighbor has.
When I read the Bible, I see that the prophets were not in with the “in crowd”, they stood out. Was Job in with the in crowd? How about David? How about Paul? What about Abraham or Daniel? How about Ruth or Rahab? God does not discriminate whether it be man or woman?
If you could put time in a bottle, what would you wish for when you open the bottle? If you could go back in time, what would you do differently? Time is the like the river that flows forward constantly and never looks back.
Abundance is having food to eat, heat in your home, shelter, transportation, drinking water, a working mind and most of all, salvation in knowing that Jesus paid for your sins—and that you are saved from death and reunited with Jesus eternally.
We say we are Christians and we say that the USA is a Christian nation and yet much of the time act like a heathen nation. We say we are appalled at looting, at police killing innocent people, children being molested, callous murders, lawless America, abortion, rape, stealing and the breaking of the Ten Commandments.
Are we any different then the Israelite people who wandered in the desert for forty years? Stiff neck, grumbling men and women who believed their laws were better than the four great bodies of law given in the Bible.
I think you will agree that if we were under God’s laws and not those of man that our world would be ideal. God has addressed every issue in his laws with a solution that makes sense and could and should be used by all. I have been studying numerous books on his laws with the KJV Bible being the center for knowledge and understanding for many years and wish to share my thoughts and welcome your thoughts…
Understanding God’s Laws