Talk More Do Less

Talk More, Do Less

Many foolish people have said there is no God and have tested the USA by having rid of the Ten Commandments and Bible reading in the schools. These minorities have succeeded in taking away prayer to God in the public schools and have brought forth the idea that “God is dead” so live for today and enjoy the moment.



Let us turn our attention to people known as the sheep or lost sheep of Israel and who are these people that the Bible speaks about—First, let me quote the following for you to ponder—Shocked by the Bible—Joe Kovacs—Chapter 26—Noah, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob were not Jews.

Tell the World Psalm 23

Tell the World

Fellow Christian, have you ever heard that small and quiet voice speak to you? When doing something wrong, have you heard that quiet voice let you know that it is wrong? Have you listened, truly listened? Have you awakened in the night to hear God’s voice?

Slavery Part 2

Slavery – Part 2

We say we are Christians and we say that the USA is a Christian nation and yet much of the time act like a heathen nation. We say we are appalled at looting, at police killing innocent people, children being molested, callous murders, lawless America, abortion, rape, stealing and the breaking of the Ten Commandments.

Thanksgiving 2018

Thanksgiving 2018

We, as individuals, take for granted liberties, surroundings, and fellow man because we are in a fast-paced world. Driven by stress, outside pressures, and the doldrums each day, man is looking for an escape to get away from it all and find some peace from life’s daily pressures.