Matthew 6:24 that you cannot serve both God and Money

Money – Part 5

Money was created to be debt free and interest free for God wants his people to prosper, enjoy life and to love thy neighbor as thyself. We were not placed on this earth “to keep up with the Jones” or to be envious of what our neighbor has.

The In Crowd

The “In” Crowd

When I read the Bible, I see that the prophets were not in with the “in crowd”, they stood out. Was Job in with the in crowd? How about David? How about Paul? What about Abraham or Daniel? How about Ruth or Rahab? God does not discriminate whether it be man or woman?



If you could put time in a bottle, what would you wish for when you open the bottle? If you could go back in time, what would you do differently? Time is the like the river that flows forward constantly and never looks back.

What If?

What If? – Part 2

As you read the Bible, you will see that when Jesus comes, and we hope very soon that the place will be in Jerusalem. But why Jerusalem? Look to (II Samuel 7:12-14 FF) Your days, however shall be completed, and you shall sleep with your fathers, but I will raise an heir after you who shall come from your loins, and I will fix him in your kingship.

Thou Shalt Not Covet

The Tenth Commandment

God has set forth before his people what is required of them in their relationship to Him and their fellow man. The choice is simple: covetousness, greed, and lust is the foundation of evil desires and peace, contentment, and gladness is the foundation for freedom from strife.



The focus here is to unite the family and provide the reason to celebrate the Christmas holidays—the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. Let us give thanks for the food that he has given us, the family united, the warmth of the house, the joy of knowing that you have the gift of eternal life, your sins are forgiven…

a child's eyes

A Child’s Eyes

As I held him, rocking on the porch and looking out at our pond, his eyes were as big as “the moon in Jupiter” looking about and noticing the leaves dropping, birds singing and flying, a lizard crawling about on the flowers, touching the bench we were sitting in, and gazing at me with a big, beautiful smile.