Light & Life

Light & Life

Would you say that fear and darkness have been around since the beginning of time? Yes, but so have life and light—What Jesus taught, what Jesus said, and what Jesus did are tied inseparably to who he is.

The In Crowd

The “In” Crowd

When I read the Bible, I see that the prophets were not in with the “in crowd”, they stood out. Was Job in with the in crowd? How about David? How about Paul? What about Abraham or Daniel? How about Ruth or Rahab? God does not discriminate whether it be man or woman?



Abundance is having food to eat, heat in your home, shelter, transportation, drinking water, a working mind and most of all, salvation in knowing that Jesus paid for your sins—and that you are saved from death and reunited with Jesus eternally.

Without God

Without God

To the Christian who believes in God, there is no doubt whatsoever that God was, is, and always will be our eternal creator for he is the “I am”! But to those who don’t believe in God, are without God, believe in Gods, believe in Satan and demons, or have their form of God or Gods—they have just as much right to believe in their forms as we, the Christian do. Fellow Christian do you agree with that statement?



The focus here is to unite the family and provide the reason to celebrate the Christmas holidays—the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. Let us give thanks for the food that he has given us, the family united, the warmth of the house, the joy of knowing that you have the gift of eternal life, your sins are forgiven…