

Integrity of Character, grounded in Godly principles, producing that which is good in God’s eyes, praying without ceasing and adhering to God’s laws, ordinances, and statutes. Do we have ten men and women who have fallen on good land and produced?

Who Are You?

Who Are You?

Can one count the stars of the heavens? There must be Israelites everywhere—That is only logical—Why don’t you bring this up to your pastor and ask him or her who the Israelites are and the Jewish people are?



Let us turn our attention to people known as the sheep or lost sheep of Israel and who are these people that the Bible speaks about—First, let me quote the following for you to ponder—Shocked by the Bible—Joe Kovacs—Chapter 26—Noah, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob were not Jews.

I Promise

I Promise

Isn’t it so interesting that we make promises that we can’t keep? Here are a few that we have heard in the past such as I promise no new taxes, I promise to stamp out global warming, I promise to provide free education and I promise that no child will hunger.

Slavery Part 2

Slavery – Part 2

We say we are Christians and we say that the USA is a Christian nation and yet much of the time act like a heathen nation. We say we are appalled at looting, at police killing innocent people, children being molested, callous murders, lawless America, abortion, rape, stealing and the breaking of the Ten Commandments.

Farmers Part 2

Farmers – Part 2

If you are a farmer or gardener, please take note and honor God’s laws—He did not write these laws for the fun of it—He wrote these laws for our benefit and if we honor and abide these land laws then we will receive the blessings from them.

The Ninth Commandment

The Ninth Commandment – Part 2

God is omniscient—when setting up the human justice system, he knew man would make false oaths and bear false witnessing or raise a false report against his neighbor, friend, or family member. Judges and juries were set in place to safeguard against false reports along with each witness examined separately to minimize collaboration and escape detection of falsified testimony.