The Great Depression Part 19 – Some Final Thoughts
Good day to each of you reading this column on the Great Depression and its effects on the United States and the world.
God is in control of all matters—make no mistake—God is in control of this world and his divine wisdom is greater than anyone who has been or will be born.
I have been reading various articles on God and time for in ALL things God is the creator and this includes time.
As I begin, I wish to quote A Study in Daniel by Howard Rand beginning on page 97 under One Day—Just as Babylon, the Empire, was the head of the Babylon Succession of Empires, so is Babylon, the system of Mammon, the head of the present system of world commerce with its standard of gold dominating its far-flung trade. Throughout the ages gold has held a unique place in all commercial transactions and has been accepted in all civilized countries as legal tender. But just as a time limit of 2520 years (the Seven Times of Prophecy) was set for the continuity of the civil and military authority, as well as the religious life of Babylon in its sway over men, so also the end of a Seven times measure sets the day for final judgment to come upon the Babylon economy.
Interjecting the following thoughts—All things must have a beginning or origin which includes the origin of the Gold Standard as introduced in Daniel 3.
2520 (+) years ago, King Nebuchadnezzar introduced the 1st economic conference—This was not a religious convention, ceremony or get together but a planned economic conference of heads of Daniel 3:2-3 (NIV) He (Nebuchadnezzar) then summoned the satraps (governors of each royal province), prefects (an official lower in rank than a satrap in Babylonian government), governors, advisers, treasurers, judges, magistrates and all the other provincial officials to come to the dedication of the image he had set up. So the satraps, prefects, governors, advisers, treasurers, judges, magistrates, and all the other provincial officials assembled for the dedication of the image that King Nebuchadnezzar had set up, and they stood before it.
The misconception above is that this was a religious conference made up of religious leaders who would lead a religious ceremony and this is NOT TRUE!
As for Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, and at the request of Daniel, these three men were part of this economic conference for they had been appointed by the King to administer the business affairs of the Province of Babylon. Further evidence is shown in Daniel 2:48-49.
Misconception # 2 is that Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were asked by the King to take part, as religious leaders, at this economic conference and this is NOT TRUE! Again, they were to administer the business affairs of the Province of Babylon.
Let clear up something else—Daniel 3:1—King Nebuchadnezzar made an image of gold—No, not his image, but an idolatrous image, according to the Wycliffe Bible Commentary. This commentary offers the following as the image: Some Babylonian image, symbol of Nebuchadnezzar’s empire, or a symbol of Jehovah.
In any event, this is in direct violation of the Ten Commandments—See Exodus 20:3-4 as a reference.
As we move forward, Mr. Rand, in his book – Study of Daniel says” The reference to one day is interesting as it denotes the prophetic day of 360 years in duration which is called a time in Scripture… For well over two thousand years the system of Babylonian economics. With its standard of gold, functioned in the world with modern fluctuations and changes.
We have established that one day in the Bible is the prophetic day of 360 years in duration, but what about a prophetic hour? As a Bible student, I would equate a prophetic hour to be 15 minutes.
Please follow my logic and the precision of God in all matters—Seven Times of Prophecy or 7 x 360 years = 2,520 (years). If you look at when Babylon was established (607BC) and add 2520 years, you get 1913 or the time (December 13) that President Wilson signed the Federal Reserve Act. Coincidence?
Now, let’s look at 1558 A.D., the beginning of the Elizabethan Period as a renaissance that inspired national pride through classical ideals, international expansion, and naval triumph over Spain and known as the Spanish Armada.
Add 360 years and the date is 1918—the great significance is the ending of World War 1 in November—again, Coincidence?
I ask that you read an article by Brooks Alden on The Die is Cast! in the June 2020 issue of Thy Kingdom Come breaking down seven prophetic hours or 15 years from 1918—2023. Brooks has provided a wonderful insight of a 15-year span of events that have transformed our history.
Here are a couple of examples?
- Did you know that in 1933 that the USA went off the gold standard?
- Did you know in 1963 President Kennedy favored the issue of interest free money?
- Did you know in 1963 President Kennedy authorized the issue of interest free silver certificates?
- Do you remember the recession of 1978 that we had under President Jimmy Carter?
Speaking of recession, remember the 2008 Great Recession?
As Mr. Alden says, the seventh prophetic hour is in process and what a tumultuous 13 years leading up to 2023 with the first non-Israelite president of the USA who doubled the debt of all presidents before him.
The British exiting the EU, the rise of Donald Trump, the fall of Donald Trump and the Rise of Joe Biden and the great giveaways.
COVID-19—need I say more—Delta Virus, masks, business closings, unemployment, loss freedoms, minorities have become the ruling power, government stimulus stimulating those who don’t want to work, exorbitant house prices, shortages from lumber to car parts to food, and crime through the roof—in fact, the criminal has more rights today than the innocent party.
It is very true, the rich get richer and the poor keep getting bigger into debt with no hope. Big banks, companies and firms are buying up the smaller companies as the competition in that area diminishes. Local businesses have become a thing of the past making way for the corporate giants and full serve is but a distant memory whether it be at the gas station or the grocery store.
Yes, this 15 years has become the prophetic hour where “good is evil and evil is good” for one looks no further and sees cities amassed with murders, rapes, and stealing. Why? Because the criminal can and will be arrested that day and out on bond that night.
So the question is, when will the bubble burst? When will the good times cease? Are we any different than the Babylonian empire?
The Study of Daniel by Howard Rand says in the founding of the Babylonian Empire there came into being political, military, economic, and religious systems which have survived throughout the centuries. Under Babylon, politically, the state is supreme; militarily, might makes right; economically, Mammon rules and, religiously, the people are in subjection to the power of the ecclesiastical leadership.
Does history not repeat itself? Is the USA following the same path as Babylonia? Mammon means money, material wealth or greed where it takes the place of God as one’s first love.
We are into the 7th month of the “great giveaway” in the USA and the monies that many American’s received have gone up in smoke—Just look at inflation and the toll it is taking upon Americans.
Gasoline to fill up your car is reaching or has reached the $3.00 level—last year it was under $ 2.00 and by the Labor day weekend, we could very well add another .30—0.50 per gallon. Did your stimulus check pay for those increases?
As for those of working, did your income go up to meet inflation of today or is your employer paying you paycheck to paycheck wages? Yes, there are many jobs to be gotten in the workforce, whether they be “blue collar or white collar”, but when the USA Government is providing stimulus checks on a weekly basis, then why work? One can be paid more staying at home, then going to work—Isn’t this a great country?
By the way, who is paying the bill for all this stimulus money—WAKE UP! It is you and I, the tax payers, the ones who have a job and say, we want an honest days pay for an honest days work and nothing less!
Consumer debt is going up, up, up with no end in sight—but what also is happening is that government and corporate debt has sky rocketed, so, as they say, what comes up, must come down and when it does and it will very soon, the bankruptcies will be enormous and then you will see “THE GREATEST DEPRESSION.”
Tip: The sign to look for is when the Federal Reserve raises interest rates and they will, they have to for the fear of out-of-control inflation and presently, inflation is an out-of-control wildfire!
I was reading a column with the following points—the number of people being jobless for the last six months was four out of ten unemployed. What has happened to the working “middle class”? The “big” companies have left them behind financially to disappear for the wages give by the “big employer” have been frozen while inflation keeps going up and up.
Here’s a thought—What would happen if the Federal Reserve does not raise the interest rate if inflation hits 3.0% or higher by the end of 2021? What will happen to the equities market and will the economy weaken?
Here is something else to ponder—What would happen if the Federal Reserve raised the interest rates to 1.5% or 2%? Would the stimulus money, government handouts and debt forgiveness be eliminated and with all the previous cheap money being printed dry up and sink us into a depression?
Will 2023 be the defining year to break the Babylonian money system that we are under and send us into a deep depression? If you been reading my previous columns and have been following the signs in the past of the Depression of 1929 and Recession of 2008, then you see the handwriting on the wall and the way America is heading.
Unfortunately, there is no turning back for we have the moneylenders in total control and we are under their rule.
Here are four (4) very true statements that place America in the same category as Babylon-…politically, the state is supreme; militarily, might makes right; economically, Mammon rules and, religiously, the people are in subjection to the power of the ecclesiastical leadership.
Without going in depth about each of the four statements, one must agree that we are seeing our freedoms evaporate very quickly in all walks of life as the state seems fit.
The handwriting is on the wall as the USA has entered into the next phase of the Great Depression. Our generation has mortgaged the future for our children and grandchildren and we will reap what we have sown today as well as the future.
Who is blame? I revert back to Deuteronomy 28 for God gave the Israelites the blessings and the curses for then and for the future. Are we any different then the Israelites? Do we heed the warnings of the Ever-Living?
No we don’t so here come the curses. Our forefathers had to endure many of the same curses as shown in the depression years for history does repeat itself. Yet, nearly 100 years later, these same curses are rearing their ugly head and we are burying our heads in the sand.
Recessions come and they go, depressions come and go, but God’s word is with us from the alpha to the omega and yet with all the warnings we are like the ten virgins in the Bible. Take a few moments and review Matthew 25: 1-13 for the full meaning of the Ten Virgins.
As I close this column on the Great Depression, if I was able to give you an exact time as to when this event would happen, then I would print it without hesitation.
If you were to ask me when, I would say within 24 months of the time of this writing—Great giveaways, runaway inflation, questionable loans, shortages in material, food, gasoline, housing market and a check off list:
Let’s summarize the factors that caused the Great Depression:
- The October 1929 crash of the Stock Market
- Small Bank’s closing
- High Unemployment
- President did too little too late.
- Over produced/ Over supplied.
- Federal Reserve created major problems
- US Tariffs backfire greatly
- Individual Debt
The crash has not begun yet since the equities market and the stock market are energized by the Great Biden Giveaway, but the funny money can last so long and when it runs out and it will then the Federal Reserve will increase the interest rates and the “house of cards” will come a tumbling down. My reference: Revelation 18:10 (NIV) Terrified at her torment, they will stand off and cry: “Woe! O great city, O Babylon, city of power! In one hour your doom has come!” Verses 11-13 refer to the extreme mammon or materialism of the world and to our society.
The United States is seeing the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 6th. 7th, and 8th factors that led to the Great Depression and are leading down that same path. Have we overproduced, no for we are seeing shortages and exorbitant prices for those shortages, but many of those shortages are heading back in the plus column and prices are coming down. A good example is lumber for lumber was 400% higher earlier this year and is steadily on its way down.
How does one prepare? Go, my people, enter your rooms and shut the doors behind you; hide yourselves for a little while until his wrath has passed by. See the Lord is coming, out of his dwelling to punish the people of the earth for their sins. The earth will disclose the blood shed upon her; she will conceal her slain no longer. Also, see Matthew 10:26.
Get out of debt—100%– No debt—Be the head and not the tail!
Read and Study the Bible—100% Correct on each and every subject in the lives of both men and women.
A S K—Ask, seek and knock by praying to God—His door is always open and he will supply you with your needs in life.
Wisdom—Ask for wisdom in all things—what better example than King Solomon for he was blessed with wisdom and his greatness exuded throughout the world at that time.
Be covered by the Blood of Christ and be protected—A great example is the Israelites when they were told to place blood on the outside of their houses so the avenger would pass over their homes and not afflict death.
And in your daily walk, turn to Matthew 12:28-31 (NIV) One of the teachers of the law came and heard them debating. Noticing that Jesus had given them a good answer, he asked them, “Of all the commandments, which is the most important?” The most important one, “answered Jesus, “is this: Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. ‘The second is this: Love your neighbor as yourself.’ Here is no commandment greater than these.”
This concludes the Great Depression series—this was a labor love and all praise and glory goes to God for he gave me the tools to share this with each of you.
May God bless you daily and May You Bless God in all that say and you do.