Theocracy, Democracy or Republic – Part 2
Good day to each of you reading this column on the upcoming election and issues that affect the USA in 2024.
Before we begin, let us remember from the previous column that God is in control and that God has the ultimate say as to the leader or leaders of this country.
Fellow Christians, we must look in the mirror and say that we have followed the same path as the Israelites who chose to have Saul as their king and to reject God as said in 1 Samuel 8:7.
In today’s society do we not clamor for human strength, a person or a person who could be interchanged as a monarch and who instituted his or her laws, an army, and take the place of God in both good and bad times.
When things are good, we would put our belief in human strength, place the leader on a pedestal, believe in all the great things they said they would and feel good that we helped put that person in office. But, when things were bad, we would blame that person, blame the other party, run them out of office and place the blame on those who put them in office. Sounds familiar? The blame game, whether you are a republican or democrat, is the answer.
Why don’t we fix problem and get those in office who put the people first and are character first instead of reputation. Why don’t we pray to God to lift up leaders to lead the people that puts God first and teaches his ways in the Bible?
These are human emotions as when things are good, why do we need God? Why do we need a theocracy when we have human strength, a new and better system of government and a fresh change on the nation.
Patience is a word we all throw around as we live in a society where we expect things at that moment. God, is all so patient, for God is all knowing as he says to Samuel to listen to them, but to warn them solemnly and let them know what the king who will reign over them will do.
Think about this fellow Christian, do you not hear that quiet voice tell you what is right or wrong? Doesn’t your conscience come to the forefront when you know that you have done something wrong?
God sprang no surprises on the Israelite people for the choice they were making, instead he told Samuel to listen to the Israelites and then warned Samuel who, in turn, would warn the Israelites of all the negative consequences.
The Wycliffe Bible Commentary breaks down 1 Samuel 8:11-18 with the following: the demands which the king would make are enumerated: military service, forced labor on royal lands and in royal arsenal, service in the royal kitchen, appropriation of land to reward the king’s ministers, taxation and confiscation of slaves for the kings’ work. In verse 15, a tenth is mentioned which is the only reference in the Old Testament to the exaction of tithes by the king. However, in the East it was not unusual for the revenue of the sovereign to be derived in part from tithes, as, for example, IN Babylon and Persia.
History does repeat itself for in the USA—we also have those who are in the military and I, for one, wish to thank each and everyone who has done their time to serve our country.
Under the direction of God, our armies would be undefeatable and we would be like the Israelites of old crossing the Red Sea safely and the Egyptians defeated. Another example is when Joshua defeated the king of Jericho, Makkedah and kings in both the North and the South.
Times have changed as to forced labor, appropriation of land, and the use of slavery abolished, but kings still make deals to further their power, money and greed.
The USA has had both good and bad kings—history has shown us of both the strides and missteps in choosing a leader. The USA is divided, very divided and common sense has died and been buried.
We have two men who are 360 degrees different on each and every issue that this nation faces. One man who was in office just a few years ago and one who is presently in office.
We have a choice—one who mentions us as a democracy multiple times in his state of the union address in 2024. This same man defends abortion which to me is biblically wrong! You may argue, but one day when you meet the King, what argument can you give to the One who gives life?
We could look at taxes and use 1 Samuel 8:15 as a reference to the exaction of tithes by the king. Instead, we have multiple tax levels from the very poorest to no taxes paid by the richest.
From Wikipedia,
Sixteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution
Courtesy of Wikipedia
The Sixteenth Amendment (Amendment XVI) to the United States Constitution allows Congress to levy an income tax without apportioning it among the states on the basis of population. It was passed by Congress in 1909 in response to the 1895 Supreme Court case of Pollock v. Farmers’ Loan & Trust Co. The Sixteenth Amendment was ratified by the requisite number of states on February 3, 1913, and effectively overruled the Supreme Court’s ruling in Pollock.
For several years after Pollock, Congress did not attempt to implement another income tax, largely due to concerns that the Supreme Court would strike down any attempt to levy an income tax. In 1909, during the debate over the Payne–Aldrich Tariff Act, Congress proposed the Sixteenth Amendment to the states. Though conservative Republican leaders had initially expected that the amendment would not be ratified, a coalition of Democrats, progressive Republicans, and other groups ensured that the necessary number of states ratified the amendment. Shortly after the amendment was ratified, Congress imposed a federal income tax with the Revenue Act of 1913. The Supreme Court upheld that income tax in the 1916 case of Brushaber v. Union Pacific Railroad Co., and the federal government has continued to levy an income tax since 1913.
According to Investopedia,
The Bottom Line
Courtesy of Investopedia,
Opposition to taxation was a cornerstone argument for the early Americans who opposed British rule. However, wartime spending during the Civil War propelled the use of the income tax. The 16th Amendment, ratified on Feb. 3, 1913, started the formal collection of income taxes in the United States.
So, what does taxation have to do with war? If the economy is doing poorly, then what better way to jump start the economy, then enter into war.
We need to look no further than the Ukraine and the Middle east where we are spending billions of dollars, money that we don’t have as our national debt skyrockets.
Both candidates believe in making more weapons of war and equipment for their chariots as said in verse 12 for we want to run our nation through human strength instead of God’s strength.
I have read all of President Biden’s state of the union address and ask you to also to form your thoughts. It is so sad to listen to the news and hear of the trials of President Trump, the name calling from both men, the previous exploits of both men, the “age and health” problem that both men face, the promises that both men make, the record that they stand on, and whether either is man of character or reputation?
Yes, we are to render to Caesar what is Caesar’s but we are to render to God what is God’s as Jesus says, which is a fair tax.
Instead, we, like the Israelites, refuse to listen to God for we want human strength and not the protection from God. Turn to Leviticus 20:26- (NIV) 26 You are to be holy to me because I, the Lord, am holy, and I have set you apart from the nations to be my own.
To me, God says the USA is to be holy and set apart from the nations to be his own. Look at ALL THE BLESSINGS we have received from God.
Why is it hard to be a Holy, Separate and Unique Nation that is separate from all other nations. Either we will stand with God or fall to human strength.
Why is it that the USA chooses to have a king? We want to be like all the other nations. Instead of being separate, we will be like the rest and blend in with the rest of the nations.
Back in October of 2023, I did an article on my website—Character or Reputation—Here is the following:
Today’s lesson focuses on the character of man versus the reputation of man. Do you have any candidates for the character of man or woman and who comes to mind concerning their reputation.
We, as people, may ‘judge’ or size up our fellow man by his reputation or how he acts toward others. To all so many, he projects the image of doing what is right, saying what is right, and acting correctly in front of his peers and family.
Our thought is, since he presents or has the image of a “good reputation”, then he or she is a good person as his reputation speaks for himself.
But what is the difference between character and reputation or are there any real differences and what does this have to do with who we are versus who we appear to be.
When thinking about this, I came upon an article by Dr. H.T Spence on the Death of Character in straightway, 2000 and his examples of men who believed in character first.
Would you not agree that character or one who possesses character also possesses inner values. Are we no different than a fruiting tree who bears inner values as its fruit thus creating character as the foundation of living.
I compare this to digging a deep hole, watering the hole thoroughly, planting the fruit tree, fertilizing the tree and keeping the weeds away from the tree so it can bear fruit without any limitations as it grows from year to year.
I Samuel 8:19-20 sums up what is happening in the USA– 19 But the people refused to listen to Samuel. “No!” they said. “We want a king over us. 20 Then we will be like all the other nations, with a king to lead us and to go out before us and fight our battles.”
America, this election we will get a king, the nation will be divided, war will be looming, inflation will keep going up, crime will fill the cities and cities will burn, the border issues will continue and we will receive immigrants who were released from their country’s prisons, drugs will be rampant, and yet, we will clamor for a human king.
No man or woman can save us—only God and remember in 1 Samuel 8:9 — 9 Now listen to them; but warn them solemnly and let them know what the king who will reign over them will claim as his rights.”
Fellow Christian, we have been warned—Our sincere hope and solution—2 Chronicles 7:14 (NIV) 14 if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
The word to focus is “if”, we are to be separate from the world and belong to God and to be a theocracy.
In closing, both candidates say “God Bless America”, but how can God bless America when we are not separate for Leviticus 20:26- says (NIV) 26 You are to be holy to me because I, the Lord, am holy, and I have set you apart from the nations to be my own.
Blessings or Curses America—choose—As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.
Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.
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