It is so interesting to explore rest and the phrase “of entering his rest” where brother Paul goes into full length in Hebrews 4: 1-11 as to the Sabbath Rest for you and I, the people of God.
It is so interesting to explore rest and the phrase “of entering his rest” where brother Paul goes into full length in Hebrews 4: 1-11 as to the Sabbath Rest for you and I, the people of God.
Wow—well said for you are either for Christ or for Satan—it is that simple and you can not play on the fence. The choice is yours and stand you take is yours—that is free will and Christ has given each of the opportunity, the next step is yours.
When reading the Bible, God provides each and every solution to all the problems that we face today in our society. Why is it that we can’t follow what is in the Bible to have a prosperous and peaceful life?
In return, Sarah, laughed at the Lord, complained that she was worn out, Abraham was too old, being sarcastic of having a son, and then lying to the Lord by saying that she did not laugh.
Wealth is given by God and can be taken by God—wealth is not the total possessions that you have, but the gift to give to those who need and to give in the spirit of love and stewardship.
2024 will go down in American history with those choosing a presidential that is from the right and the other candidate that is from the left.
Mr. Rand supplies the necessary Biblical history as to when organized Israel into his kingdom nation at Mount Sinai supplying the commandments, laws, statutes to Moses.
How long will you waver between two opinions? How long will you sit on the fence? Do you have a choice and do you waver? Will you say nothing?
It is time to tackle the IRS, the abortion issue, the LGBTQ issue, student loans, stimulus checks, electric cars, the Ukraine and Israel conflicts under Mr. Biden.
The sad part is that we take it and do nothing about it! Our founding fathers dropped tea bags in the river and did something about the issues at that time and now we have politicians pointing the fingers at the other party.
I think you will agree that if we were under God’s laws and not those of man that our world would be ideal. God has addressed every issue in his laws with a solution that makes sense and could and should be used by all. I have been studying numerous books on his laws with the KJV Bible being the center for knowledge and understanding for many years and wish to share my thoughts and welcome your thoughts…
Understanding God’s Laws